BMS Natural Resources, Inc.
BMS Natural Resources, Inc. began business in the early 1990's to acquire coal, oil, and gas leases in the West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia mineral bearing regions. The management of BMS had an extensive knowledge of the mineral extraction business and began by performing consulting work for the coal mining companies in the region, especially the small independent operators.
BMS is aggressively expanding into the asset recovery and asset liquidation for customers in the chemical, industrial, natural resource, and power industry sectors of our country’s economy. BMS has built a large and varied customer base and the related marketing expertise in order to maximize the recovery from the sale of all types of equipment for the industrial, chemical, natural resources and power industry customers. With proper planning, the removal of the equipment and the marketing can be coordinated in such a manner to allow the overall demolition project to meet the required deadlines. BMS has completed several projects for large coal and manufacturing companies to liquidate their assets in such a manner to maximize their return on an investment recovery basis and results have exceeded expectations.